About Us

    About Us

    About Us

    MottsMoore Travel is a family owned business that specialises in luxury Villas and Hotels in Kalkan, Turkey.  Our founder Chris Mottershead, has managed some of the largest Tour Operators in the world and has over 30 years experience in the industry. Chris has now decided to share his wealth of knowledge and has provided a selection of handpicked Villas and Hotels in his favourite holiday destination. Turkey has become a second home to Chris and working alongside our Turkish partners who are based in Kalkan, we believe we can offer everything that one requires to create the perfect holiday.

    Our Vision

    We at Mottsmoore aim to provide the finest service and experience for guests staying at our hand-picked, luxury villas and Hotel across the Kalkan region.  We know your time is precious and everyone's holiday is special so together, with our experience and expertise we believe we can deliver an unfortgettable holiday. 

    Our Vision
    Our Vision

    Our Vision

    What do we offer
    Why Choose Mottsmoore?

    Why choose Mottsmoore?